Seven Signs, One Who Seeks the Power of the Seal

Priest Wood in the Einhasad Temple of Aden Castle is facing a new problem dealing with the seal of the Seven Signs, and he is seeking a hero who can help him.

Start NPC Human Eris's Evil Thoughts Director
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Level 80+
Прохождение Quest Seven Signs, One Who Seeks the Power of the Seal
Start NPC
Human Eris's Evil Thoughts Director
1: Embryo
Listen to Eris's story.

2: The Approaching Danger
Someone infiltrated Eris's office. Defeat him and speak with Elcadia.

3: That Was Close, But
Return to Elcadia's tent and speak with Elcadia.

4: Hardin's Call
You hear from Elcadia that Hardin is looking for you. Meet with Hardin.

5: Mission complete
Now all the missions are complete. Return to Franz through Wood and report back.