Стартовий NPC
Торговець Бронею Воїна (Radia)
1: Go to Varan
Radia hasn't begun work because the ingredients that she ordered haven't been delivered yet. Visit Trader Varan and check on her delivery.
2: Return to Radia
Varan says it is difficult to get the supply and he cannot deliver the order on the due date and asks for understanding.
3: Go to Ralford
Radia says she'll contact Ralford in the Ivory Tower in advance and asks you to get the materials from her.
4: Squash the Spiders
Ralford doesn't have the items that Radia ordered, but she could get the spidersilk if she had some spinnerets. Go to the Sea of Spores and get 10 spinnerets.
Monsters to Hunt - Trisalims, Trisalim Tarantulas
5: Go to Ralford
You've hunted Trisalims and Trisalim Tarantulas and obtained 10 spinnerets. Return to Ralford and ask her to spin out the spidersilk.
6: Return to Radia
Ralford makes you the spidersilk and asks you to bring him 3,000 units of suede and 5,000 thread.