Секретне Завдання

Priest Dominic of Rune Village is looking for an Adventurer who will infiltrate the Monastery of Silence.

Стартовий NPC Human Домінік Жрець (Dominic)
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Рівень 82+
Прохождение Квест Секретное Задание
Стартовий NPC
Human Домінік Жрець (Dominic)
1: To Aquilani
You have received a mission to deliver the a Secret Letter to Priest Greymore in the Monastery of Silence. But only Aquilani knows the location of Greymore. First go see Aquilani who is near the west entrance of the Monastery.

2: To Greymore
Aquilani told you that Greymore will be in a room in-between the first and second floors of the Monastery of Silence. Head inside to find him.