Насіння Зла

Evil has spawned in the long-abandoned Elven Ruins! High Priest Biotin was warned of this menace in a dream and is gathering forces to fight the evil.

Стартовий NPC Human Біотин Верховний Жрець (Biotin)
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Рівень 21 ~ 26
Стартовий NPC
Human Біотин Верховний Жрець (Biotin)
1: Evil Power
High Priest Biotin had a premonition from his dreams that something wicked is growing within the Elven Ruins. He says that the evil seed looks like a gigantic bat-winged demon. He asks you to destroy it.

2: Return to High Priest Biotin
You have slain Nerkas, the evil seed, and obtained the clay tablet. Take it to High Priest Biotin at the temple in the village.