Пісня Мисливця

The Hunters Guild has a long, romantic history, and has always been in the dreams of youths who seek adventure... Whether they choose to hunt criminals or monsters! It's definitely not an easy task to join the Hunters Guild.

Стартовий NPC Human Ґрей Гільдія Мисливців (Grey)
Подивитись карту
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Рівень 35 ~ 59
Стартовий NPC
Human Ґрей Гільдія Мисливців (Grey)
1: Test of the Hunters Union
Grey of the Hunters Union tells you about the union and says that in order to join, you must pass a test to obtain a hunter's license. Bring back three or more of the items listed on the test to receive a circle 1 hunter's license. Those in possession of such a license may carry out various missions for the guild.

2: Hunting as a 1st Circle Member
You now have the 1st circle hunter license! You can now receive and carry out hunting requests. Visit Hunter Guild Member Tor and confirm the orders. Or, you could go and meet people that hire hunters.

3: Hunting as a 2nd Circle Member
You now have the 2nd circle hunter license! You're now authorized to receive and carry out the hunting requests that are the purvey of 2nd circle hunters. Visit Tor and confirm the list of orders, or you could go and meet people that hire hunters.