Сага Мудреця Землі

The class change quest is for all Terramancers who want to become Tectonic Sage.

Стартовий NPC Human Догола Крижаний Камінь (Doughola Icestone)
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Рівень 76+
Прохождение Квест Сага Хранителя Земли
Стартовий NPC
Human Догола Крижаний Камінь (Doughola Icestone)
1: Priest of the Earth Gerald
To become a Tectonic Sage, Terramancer must gain the power sealed in the Таблиця Видіння.

2: Investigative Report
Priest of the Earth Gerald asks you to go to the Information Merchant Mist of the Hot Springs and take the Investigation Report from him.

3: Ice Crystal
Mist refuses to give you the Investigation Report until he gets the Ice Crystal. You can find it at Chef Jeremy's in the Hot Springs area.

4: Conversation with Gerald
You now have the Investigation Report. Return to the Priest of the Earth Gerald.

5: I Таблиця Видіння
You receive the Amulet of Resonance, which can be used to activate the first Таблиця Видіння.

6: Guardians of the Таблиця Видіння
You sense that the Amulet of Resonance, which activates the second Таблиця Видіння, is in the possession of one of the Guardians of Forbidden Knowledge. You must obtain it at all costs.

7: II Таблиця Видіння
You have obtained the Amulet of Resonance. Now activate the Таблиця Видіння.

8: Suspicious Shadow
You can sense that the third Amulet of Resonance is in the possession of someone next to the next Таблиця Видіння.

9: III Таблиця Видіння
You have received the Amulet of Resonance. Now activate the Таблиця Видіння.

10: Conversation with the Gerald
You can sense that the Amulet of Resonance, which activates the fourth Таблиця Видіння, is in the possession of the Priest of the Earth Gerald. Go back to him.

11: Sanctified Stone
You need to pick up the Divine Stone of Wisdom, which is essentially part of the Amulet of Resonance, from the Orcs of Ketra. Speak to Vahkan, the Messenger of Ketra, and prove to him that you are worthy to possess this Stone. You can also go to the Varka Silenos for the Divine Stone of Wisdom and speak to their Messenger Naran Ashanuk.

12: Hallowed Stone
You need to get the Divine Stone of Wisdom, which is basically part of the Amulet of Resonance, from the Varka Silenos. Talk to Varka's Envoy Naran Ashanuk and prove to him that you are worthy of possessing this Stone. You can also go to the Orcs of Ketra for the Divine Stone of Wisdom and talk to their Envoy Vahkan.

13: IV Таблиця Видіння
You have received the Amulet of Resonance. Now activate the Таблиця Видіння.

14: Conversation with the Gerald
You can sense that the Amulet of Resonance, which activates the fifth Таблиця Видіння, is in the possession of the Priest of the Earth Gerald. Return to him.

15: Archon of Halisha
The next Amulet of Resonance is in the possession of the Archon of Halisha, who dwells in the Four Sepulchers. You can also summon it by attacking his minions in the Shrine of Loyalty. He will appear when you collect 700 Marks of Halisha.

Shrine of Loyalty - Grave Scarab, Scavenger Scarab, Grave Ant, Scavenger Ant, Shrine Knight, Shrine Guardian, Archon of Halisha.
Imperial Tomb - Archon of Halisha.

16: V Таблиця Видіння
You have received the Amulet of Resonance. You can now activate the fifth Таблиця Видіння.

17: Suspicious Shadow
You can sense that the sixth Amulet of Resonance is in the possession of someone near the next Таблиця Видіння.

18: VI Таблиця Видіння
You have received the Amulet of Resonance. You can now activate the sixth Таблиця Видіння.

19: Return to Dugola
You have found all the Таблиця Видіння. Return to the High Priestess of the Earth Doughola Icestone in Giran.

20: Not enough experience
Doughola Icestone says that you do not have enough experience to use the power of the Таблиця Видіння yet.
(Changing class is only possible from level 76. Do not cancel the quest until you change class.)