Язичницький Храм

The Priest Flauron seems like he has something to ask the person who bears the Faded Visitor's Mark.

Стартовий NPC Etc Флаурон Жрець (Flauron)
Рівень 73 ~ 80
Прохождение Квест Языческий Храм
Стартовий NPC
Etc Флаурон Жрець (Flauron)
1: Hearts of the Necromancers
The Priest Flauron tells you to bring back 10 Necromancer Hearts from the Forest of the Dead.

Monsters to Hunt: Bone Animators, Bone Slayers, Skull Animators

2: Return to Flauron
You've collected all the Necromancer Hearts the Priest Flauron asked for. Return to Flauron.