Receives the soul's help to raise Cast. Spd. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%, and M. Def. by 20%. Raises the power of Prominent Damage through magic damage by 20% and the chance of prominent damage occurring through magic damage by 2.
Type | Активное (посилююче) |
Споживає | 0 MP |
Час перезарядження | 3600 сек. |
Тривалiсть | 300 |
Можна використовувати на олімпіаді? | Нема |
Атрибут | No Attribute |
Трейт | {trait_none} |
Особлива здібність Агатіона Бум - Сила Душі Великого Мага Рів 1 [selected] | Receives the soul's help to raise Cast. Spd. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%, and M. Def. by 20%. Raises the power of Prominent Damage through magic damage by 20% and the chance of prominent damage occurring through magic damage by 2. |