Item Skill: Reflect Damage Item Skill: Reflect Damage Рів 3

Active: Allows you to reflect some of the damage you incurred back to the enemy for a certain amount of time. Excludes damage from skill or remote attacks.

Type Активное (посилююче)
Споживає 54 MP
Час перезарядження 300 сек.
Тривалiсть 120
Можна використовувати на олімпіаді? Так
Трейт trait_none
Item Skill: Reflect Damage Item Skill: Reflect Damage Рів 1 Active: Allows you to reflect some of the damage you incurred back to the enemy for a certain amount of time. Excludes damage from skill or remote attacks.
Item Skill: Reflect Damage Item Skill: Reflect Damage Рів 2 Active: Allows you to reflect some of the damage you incurred back to the enemy for a certain amount of time. Excludes damage from skill or remote attacks.
Item Skill: Reflect Damage Item Skill: Reflect Damage Рів 3 [selected] Active: Allows you to reflect some of the damage you incurred back to the enemy for a certain amount of time. Excludes damage from skill or remote attacks.