Masterwork Item Bonuses

Basic information

Masterwork items or rare items are pieces of equipment that have additional options. Getting rare items is possible +crafting or +recognizing Unidentified items obtained during monster hunting.

Rare items are part of a set of armor on par with common ones. On Masterwork servers, rare top and full armor are also part of the set and allow you to get a bonus from the set.


Zubei Set

Zubei's Breastplate – Set 3

Max HP +294, P. Def. +5.26%, Reflect 5% melee damage received, Paralyze/ Turn Stone Resistance +30%.

Zubei's Helmet Zubei's Helmet Heavy Armor B P. Def. +1.00%
Max HP +75
Resistance Paralyze +3.50%
Resistance Medusa +3.50%.
Zubei's Breastplate Zubei's Breastplate B P. Def. +2.00%
Max HP +150
Resistance Paralyze +7.00%
Resistance Medusa +7.00%.
Zubei's Gaiters Zubei's Gaiters B P. Def. +1.50%
Max HP +100
Resistance Paralyze +4.50%
Resistance Medusa +4.50%.
Zubei's Gauntlets Zubei's Gauntlets Heavy Armor B P. Def. +0.75%
Max HP +50
Resistance Paralyze +2.50%
Resistance Medusa +2.50%.
Zubei's Boots Zubei's Boots Heavy Armor B P. Def. +0.75%
Max HP +50
Resistance Paralyze +2.50%
Resistance Medusa +2.50%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: P. Def. +6%,
Max HP +425,
Resistance Paralyze +20%,
Resistance Medusa +20%
Zubei's Leather Shirt – Set 3

Atk. Spd. +4%, Evasion +4, Paralyze/ Turn Stone Resistance +30%.

Zubei's Helmet Zubei's Helmet Light Armor B Evasion +1
Atk. Spd. +0.60%
Resistance Paralyze +3.50%
Resistance Medusa +3.50%.
Zubei's Leather Shirt Zubei's Leather Shirt B Evasion +2.5
Atk. Spd. +1.00%
Resistance Paralyze +7.00%
Resistance Medusa +7.00%.
Zubei's Leather Gaiters Zubei's Leather Gaiters B Evasion +1.5
Atk. Spd. +0.80%
Resistance Paralyze +4.50%
Resistance Medusa +4.50%.
Zubei's Gauntlets Zubei's Gauntlets Light Armor B Evasion +0.75
Atk. Spd. +0.40%
Resistance Paralyze +2.50%
Resistance Medusa +2.50%.
Zubei's Boots Zubei's Boots Light Armor B Evasion +0.75
Atk. Spd. +0.40%
Resistance Paralyze +2.50%
Resistance Medusa +2.50%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: Evasion +6.5,
Atk. Spd. +3.2%,
Resistance Paralyze +20%,
Resistance Medusa +20%
Tunic of Zubei – Set 3

Casting Spd. +5%, M. Atk. +15%, MP Recovery Rate -5%, Paralyze/ Turn Stone Resistance +30%.

Zubei's Helmet Zubei's Helmet Robe B M. Atk. +1.50%
Resistance Paralyze +3.50%
Resistance Medusa +3.50%.
Tunic of Zubei Tunic of Zubei B M. Atk. +4.00%
Resistance Paralyze +7.00%
Resistance Medusa +7.00%.
Stockings of Zubei Stockings of Zubei B M. Atk. +2.50%
Resistance Paralyze +4.50%
Resistance Medusa +4.50%.
Zubei's Gauntlets Zubei's Gauntlets Robe B M. Atk. +1.00%
Resistance Paralyze +2.50%
Resistance Medusa +2.50%.
Zubei's Boots Zubei's Boots Robe B M. Atk. +1.00%
Resistance Paralyze +2.50%
Resistance Medusa +2.50%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: M. Atk. +10%,
Resistance Paralyze +20%,
Resistance Medusa +20%

Shields Shields

Zubei's Shield Zubei's Shield B Resistance to magic damage +1.
(Chance of taking 1 damage from magic)

Avadon Set

Avadon Breastplate – Set 3

Max HP +294, M. Def. +5%, Mental Resistance +30%.

Shield Equip Bonus: Chance to Shield Block +24%

Avadon Circlet Avadon Circlet Heavy Armor B M. Def. +1.00%
Max HP +75
Resistance Mental attacks +3.50%.
Avadon Breastplate Avadon Breastplate B M. Def. +2.00%
Max HP +150
Resistance Mental attacks +7.00%.
Avadon Gaiters Avadon Gaiters B M. Def. +1.50%
Max HP +100
Resistance Mental attacks +4.50%.
Avadon Gloves Avadon Gloves Heavy Armor B M. Def. +0.75%
Max HP +50
Resistance Mental attacks +2.50%.
Avadon Boots Avadon Boots Heavy Armor B M. Def. +0.75%
Max HP +50
Resistance Mental attacks +2.50%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: M. Def. +6%,
Max HP +425,
Resistance Mental attacks +20%
Avadon Leather Armor – Set 3

M. Def. +8%, Weight Gauge +5795, Mental Resistance +30%.

Avadon Circlet Avadon Circlet Light Armor B M. Def. +1.00%
Weight limit +1750
Resistance Mental attacks +3.50%.
Avadon Leather Armor Avadon Leather Armor B M. Def. +3.50%
Weight limit +5750
Resistance Mental attacks +11.50%.
Avadon Gloves Avadon Gloves Light Armor B M. Def. +0.75%
Weight limit +1250
Resistance Mental attacks +2.50%.
Avadon Boots Avadon Boots Light Armor B M. Def. +0.75%
Weight limit +1250
Resistance Mental attacks +2.50%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: M. Def. +6%,
Weight limit +10 000,
Resistance Mental attacks +20%
Avadon Robe – Set 3

Casting Spd. +15%, P. Def. +5.26%, Mental Resistance +30%.

Avadon Circlet Avadon Circlet Robe B P. Def. +1.00%
Resistance Mental attacks +3.50%.
Avadon Robe Avadon Robe B Cast. Spd. +2.50%
P. Def. +3.50%
Resistance Mental attacks +11.50%.
Avadon Gloves Avadon Gloves Robe B P. Def. +0.75%
Resistance Mental attacks +2.50%.
Avadon Boots Avadon Boots Robe B P. Def. +0.75%
Resistance Mental attacks +2.50%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: P. Def. +6%,
Cast. Spd. +2.5%,
Resistance Mental attacks +20%

Shields Shields

Avadon Shield Avadon Shield B Resistance to magic damage +1.
(Chance of taking 1 damage from magic)

Blue Wolf Set

Blue Wolf Breastplate – Set 3

STR +3, CON -1, DEX -2

Speed +7, HP Recovery Rate +5.26%, Shock Resistance +30%.

Blue Wolf Helmet Blue Wolf Helmet Heavy Armor B Speed +0.85
HP Regeneration Bonus +1.50%
Resistance Stun +3.50%.
Blue Wolf Breastplate Blue Wolf Breastplate B Speed +1.75
HP Regeneration Bonus +3.10%
Resistance Stun +7.00%.
Blue Wolf Gaiters Blue Wolf Gaiters B Speed +1.00
HP Regeneration Bonus +2.00%
Resistance Stun +4.50%.
Blue Wolf Gloves Blue Wolf Gloves Heavy Armor B Speed +0.70
HP Regeneration Bonus +1.20%
Resistance Stun +2.50%.
Blue Wolf Boots Blue Wolf Boots Heavy Armor B Speed +0.70
HP Regeneration Bonus +1.20%
Resistance Stun +2.50%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: Speed +5,
HP Regeneration +9%,
Resistance Stun +20%
Blue Wolf Leather Armor – Set 3

MEN +3, INT -2, WIT -1

Casting Spd. +15%, P. Def. +5.26%, Shock Resistance +30%.

Blue Wolf Helmet Blue Wolf Helmet Light Armor B P. Def. +0.70%
Resistance Stun +3.50%.
Blue Wolf Leather Armor Blue Wolf Leather Armor B P. Def. +2.30%
Resistance Stun +11.50%.
Blue Wolf Gloves Blue Wolf Gloves Light Armor B P. Def. +0.50%
Resistance Stun +2.50%.
Blue Wolf Boots Blue Wolf Boots Light Armor B P. Def. +0.50%
Resistance Stun +2.50%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: P. Def. +4%,
Resistance Stun +20%
Blue Wolf Tunic – Set 3

WIT +3, INT -2, MEN -1

Max MP +206, MP Recovery Rate +5.26%, Shock Resistance +30%.

Blue Wolf Helmet Blue Wolf Helmet Robe B Max MP +75
MP Regeneration Bonus +2.10%
Resistance Stun +3.50%.
Blue Wolf Tunic Blue Wolf Tunic B Max MP +150
MP Regeneration Bonus +4.20%
Resistance Stun +7.00%.
Blue Wolf Stockings Blue Wolf Stockings B Max MP +100
MP Regeneration Bonus +2.70%
Resistance Stun +4.50%.
Blue Wolf Gloves Blue Wolf Gloves Robe B Max MP +50
MP Regeneration Bonus +1.50%
Resistance Stun +2.50%.
Blue Wolf Boots Blue Wolf Boots Robe B Max MP +50
MP Regeneration Bonus +1.50%
Resistance Stun +2.50%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: Max MP +425,
MP Regeneration +12%,
Resistance Stun +20%

Doom Set

Doom Plate Armor – Set 3

CON +3, STR -3

Max HP +320, Breath Gauge +200, Sleep/ Hold Resistance +30%.

Shield Equip Bonus: Shield Block Chance +24%

Doom Helmet Doom Helmet Heavy Armor B Max HP +85
Resistance Sleep +3.50%
Resistance Hold +3.50%.
Doom Plate Armor Doom Plate Armor B Max HP +300
Resistance Sleep +11.50%
Resistance Hold +11.50%.
Doom Gloves Doom Gloves Heavy Armor B Max HP +60
Resistance Sleep +2.50%
Resistance Hold +2.50%.
Doom Boots Doom Boots Heavy Armor B Max HP +60
Resistance Sleep +2.50%
Resistance Hold +2.50%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: Макс. НР +505,
Resistance Sleep +20%,
Resistance Hold +20%
Leather Armor of Doom – Set 3

DEX +3, STR -1

P. Atk. +2.7%, MP Recovery Rate +2.5%, Breath Gauge +200, Sleep/ Hold Resistance +30%, Poison Resistance +20%.

Doom Helmet Doom Helmet Light Armor B P. Atk. +1.25%
MP Regeneration Bonus +2.10%
Resistance Sleep +3.5%
Resistance Hold +3.5%.
Leather Armor of Doom Leather Armor of Doom B P. Atk. +2.25%
MP Regeneration Bonus +6.90%
Resistance Sleep +11.5%
Resistance Hold +11.5%.
Doom Gloves Doom Gloves Light Armor B P. Atk. +0.75%
MP Regeneration Bonus +1.50%
Resistance Sleep +2.5%
Resistance Hold +2.5%.
Doom Boots Doom Boots Light Armor B P. Atk. +0.75%
MP Regeneration Bonus +1.50%
Resistance Sleep +2.5%
Resistance Hold +2.5%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: P. Atk. +4.95%,
MP Regeneration +12%,
Resistance Sleep +20%,
Resistance Hold +20%
Tunic of Doom – Set 3

INT +2, MEN +1, WIT -3

Casting Spd. +15%, Speed +7, MP Recovery Rate +5.26%, Breath Gauge +200, Sleep/ Hold Resistance +30%.

Doom Helmet Doom Helmet Robe B Speed +0.85
MP Regeneration Bonus +2.10%
Resistance Sleep +3.5%
Resistance Hold +3.5%.
Tunic of Doom Tunic of Doom B Speed +1.75
MP Regeneration Bonus +4.20%
Resistance Sleep +6.5%
Resistance Hold +6.5%.
Stockings of Doom Stockings of Doom B Speed +1.00
MP Regeneration Bonus +2.70%
Resistance Sleep +5%
Resistance Hold +5%.
Doom Gloves Doom Gloves Robe B Speed +0.70
MP Regeneration Bonus +1.50%
Resistance Sleep +2.5%
Resistance Hold +2.5%.
Doom Boots Doom Boots Robe B Speed +0.70
MP Regeneration Bonus +1.50%
Resistance Sleep +2.5%
Resistance Hold +2.5%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: Speed +5,
MP Regeneration +12%,
Resistance Sleep +20%,
Resistance Hold +20%

Shields Shields

Doom Shield Doom Shield B Resistance to magic damage +1.
(Chance of taking 1 damage from magic)

Jewelry B-Grade

Adamantite Necklace Adamantite Necklace B Increases Sleep and Paralyze resistances by 3% and resist to all 6 elements by 1.
Adamantite Earring Adamantite Earring B Increases Shock and Mental/Fear/Silence resistances by 3%.
Adamantite Ring Adamantite Ring B Increases Hold/Root resistance by 3% and P.Critical Damage by 1%.
Necklace of Black Ore Necklace of Black Ore B Increases Sleep and Paralyze resistances by 4% and resist to all 6 elements by 2.
Earring of Black Ore Earring of Black Ore B Increases Shock and Mental/Fear/Silence resistances by 4%.
Ring of Black Ore Ring of Black Ore B Increases Hold/Root resistance by 4% and P.Critical Damage by 2%.


Tallum Sets

Tallum Plate Armor – Set 4

STR +2, CON -2

Atk. Spd. +8%, Weight Gauge +5759, Poison/ Bleed Resistance +80%, Mental Resistance +50%.

Tallum Helmet Tallum Helmet Heavy Armor A Atk. Spd. +1.15%
Weight limit +1750
Resistance Poison +5.25%
Resistance Bleed +5.25%
Resistance Mental attacks +5.25%.
Tallum Plate Armor Tallum Plate Armor A Atk. Spd. +2.35%
Weight limit +5750
Resistance Poison +17.25%
Resistance Bleed +17.25%
Resistance Mental attacks +17.25%.
Tallum Gloves Tallum Gloves Heavy Armor A Atk. Spd. +0.75%
Weight limit +1250
Resistance Poison +3.75%
Resistance Bleed +3.75%
Resistance Mental attacks +3.75%.
Tallum Boots Tallum Boots Heavy Armor A Atk. Spd. +0.75%
Weight limit +1250
Resistance Poison +3.75%
Resistance Bleed +3.75%
Resistance Mental attacks +3.75%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: Atk. Spd. +5%,
Weight limit +10 000,
Resistance Poison +20%,
Resistance Bleed +20%,
Resistance Mental attacks +20%
Tallum Leather Armor – Set 4

MEN +2, WIT -1

Skills Hit Time -8%, Max MP +222, Casting Spd. +15%, MP Recovery Rate +8%, Mental Resistance +50%, Poison/ Bleed Resistance +80%.

Tallum Helmet Tallum Helmet Light Armor A Cast. Spd. +0.85%
Max MP +85
MP Regeneration Bonus +5.00%
Resistance Poison +5.25%
Resistance Bleed +5.25%
Resistance Mental attacks +5.25%.
Tallum Leather Armor Tallum Leather Armor A Cast. Spd. +2.75%
Max MP +150
MP Regeneration Bonus +8.65%
Resistance Poison +17.25%
Resistance Bleed +17.25%
Resistance Mental attacks +17.25%.
Tallum Gloves Tallum Gloves Light Armor A Cast. Spd. +0.70%
Max MP +60
MP Regeneration Bonus +3.00%
Resistance Poison +3.75%
Resistance Bleed +3.75%
Resistance Mental attacks +3.75%.
Tallum Boots Tallum Boots Light Armor A Cast. Spd. +0.70%
Max MP +60
MP Regeneration Bonus +3.00%
Resistance Poison +3.75%
Resistance Bleed +3.75%
Resistance Mental attacks +3.75%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: Cast. Spd. +5%,
Max MP +355,
MP Regeneration +21,15%,
Resistance Poison +30%,
Resistance Bleed +30%,
Resistance Mental attacks +30%
Tallum Tunic – Set 4

WIT +2, INT -2

Casting Spd. +15%, M. Def. +8%, Speed +7, Mental Resistance +50%, Poison/ Bleed Resistance +80%.

Tallum Helmet Tallum Helmet Robe A M. Def. +0.85%
Speed +0.85
Resistance Poison +5.25%
Resistance Bleed +5.25%
Resistance Mental attacks +5.25%.
Tallum Tunic Tallum Tunic A Cast. Spd. +2.5%
M. Def. +1.75%
Speed +1.75
Resistance Poison +9.75%
Resistance Bleed +9.75%
Resistance Mental attacks +9.75%.
Tallum Stockings Tallum Stockings A M. Def. +1.00%
Speed +1.00
Resistance Poison +7.5%
Resistance Bleed +7.5%
Resistance Mental attacks +7.5%.
Tallum Gloves Tallum Gloves Robe A M. Def. +0.70%
Speed +0.70
Resistance Poison +3.75%
Resistance Bleed +3.75%
Resistance Mental attacks +3.75%.
Tallum Boots Tallum Boots Robe A M. Def. +0.70%
Speed +0.70
Resistance Poison +3.75%
Resistance Bleed +3.75%
Resistance Mental attacks +3.75%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: Cast. Spd. +2.5%,
M. Def. +5%,
Speed +5,
Resistance Poison +30%,
Resistance Bleed +30%,
Resistance Mental attacks +30%

Dark Crystal Sets

Dark Crystal Breastplate – Set 4

CON +2, STR -2

Casting Spd. +15%, Healing Efficiency +4%, Paralyze Resistance +50%, Turn Stone Resistance +30%.

Shield Equip Bonus: Chance to Shield Block +18%

Dark Crystal Helmet Dark Crystal Helmet Heavy Armor A Incoming Heal Power +2.50%
Cast. Spd. +1.35%
Resistance Paralyze +5.25%
Resistance Medusa +5.25%.
Dark Crystal Breastplate Dark Crystal Breastplate A Incoming Heal Power +5.00%
Cast. Spd. +2.50%
Resistance Paralyze +10.50%
Resistance Medusa +10.50%.
Dark Crystal Gaiters Dark Crystal Gaiters A Incoming Heal Power +3.00%
Cast. Spd. +1.65%
Resistance Paralyze +6.75%
Resistance Medusa +6.75%.
Dark Crystal Gloves Dark Crystal Gloves Heavy Armor A Incoming Heal Power +1.50%
Cast. Spd. +1.00%
Resistance Paralyze +3.75%
Resistance Medusa +3.75%.
Dark Crystal Boots Dark Crystal Boots Heavy Armor A Incoming Heal Power +1.50%
Cast. Spd. +1.00%
Resistance Paralyze +3.75%
Resistance Medusa +3.75%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: Incoming Heal Power +13.5%,
Cast. Spd. +7.5%,
Resistance Paralyze +30%,
Resistance Medusa +30%
Dark Crystal Leather Armor – Set 4

STR +1, CON -1

Atk. Spd. +4%, P. Atk. +4%, Paralyze Resistance +50%, Turn Stone Resistance +30%.

Dark Crystal Helmet Dark Crystal Helmet Light Armor A Atk. Spd. +0.75%
P. Atk. +0.75%
Resistance Paralyze +5.25%
Resistance Medusa +5.25%.
Dark Crystal Leather Armor Dark Crystal Leather Armor A Atk. Spd. +1.50%
P. Atk. +1.50%
Resistance Paralyze +10.50%
Resistance Medusa +10.50%.
Dark Crystal Leggings Dark Crystal Leggings A Atk. Spd. +1.00%
P. Atk. +1.00%
Resistance Paralyze +6.75%
Resistance Medusa +6.75%.
Dark Crystal Gloves Dark Crystal Gloves Light Armor A Atk. Spd. +0.40%
P. Atk. +0.40%
Resistance Paralyze +3.75%
Resistance Medusa +3.75%.
Dark Crystal Boots Dark Crystal Boots Light Armor A Atk. Spd. +0.40%
P. Atk. +0.40%
Resistance Paralyze +3.75%
Resistance Medusa +3.75%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: Atk. Spd. +4.05%,
P. Atk. +4.05%,
Resistance Paralyze +30%,
Resistance Medusa +30%
Dark Crystal Robe – Set 4

WIT +2, MEN -2

Casting Spd. +15%, P. Def. +8%, Speed +7, Magic Cancel Rate -50%, Paralyze Resistance +50%, Turn Stone Resistance +30%.

Dark Crystal Helmet Dark Crystal Helmet Robe A P. Def. +1.00%
Speed +1.00
Magic Cancel Damage -5.25
Resistance Paralyze +5.25%
Resistance Medusa +5.25%.
Dark Crystal Robe Dark Crystal Robe A Cast. Spd. +2.50%
P. Def. +2.50%
Speed +2.50
Magic Cancel Damage -17.5
Resistance Paralyze +17.25%
Resistance Medusa +17.25%.
Dark Crystal Gloves Dark Crystal Gloves Robe A P. Def. +0.75%
Speed +0.75
Magic Cancel Damage -3.75
Resistance Paralyze +3.75%
Resistance Medusa +3.75%.
Dark Crystal Boots Dark Crystal Boots Robe A P. Def. +0.75%
Speed +0.75
Magic Cancel Damage -3.75
Resistance Paralyze +3.75%
Resistance Medusa +3.75%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: Cast. Spd. +2.5%,
P. Def. +5%,
Speed +5,
Magic Cancel Damage -30.25,
Resistance Paralyze +30%,
Resistance Medusa +30%

Shields Shields

Dark Crystal Shield Dark Crystal Shield A Resistance to magic damage +2.
(Chance of taking 1 damage from magic)

Majestic set

Majestic Plate Armor – Set 4

STR +2, CON -2

P. Atk. +6%, Accuracy +5, Shock Resistance +50%.

Majestic Circlet Majestic Circlet Heavy Armor A P. Atk. +1.15%
Accuracy +0.8
Resistance Stun +5.25%.
Majestic Plate Armor Majestic Plate Armor A P. Atk. +2.35%
Accuracy +1.5
Resistance Stun +17.25%.
Majestic Gauntlets Majestic Gauntlets Heavy Armor A P. Atk. +0.75%
Accuracy +0.6
Resistance Stun +3.75%.
Majestic Boots Majestic Boots Heavy Armor A P. Atk. +0.75%
Accuracy +0.6
Resistance Stun +3.75%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: P. Atk. +5%,
Accuracy +3.55,
Resistance Stun +30%
Majestic Leather Armor – Set 4

DEX +1, CON -1

Max MP +240, P. Atk. when use bow/ crossbow +8%, Weight Gauge +5759, Shock Resistance +50%.

Majestic Circlet Majestic Circlet Light Armor A P. Atk. when using a bow/ crossbow +1.15%
Max MP +85
Weight limit +1750
Resistance Stun +5.25%.
Majestic Leather Armor Majestic Leather Armor A P. Atk. when using a bow/ crossbow +2.35%
Max MP +150
Weight limit +5750
Resistance Stun +17.25%.
Majestic Gauntlets Majestic Gauntlets Light Armor A P. Atk. when using a bow/ crossbow +0.75%
Max MP +60
Weight limit +1250
Resistance Stun +3.75%.
Majestic Boots Majestic Boots Light Armor A P. Atk. when using a bow/ crossbow +0.75%
Max MP +60
Weight limit +1250
Resistance Stun +3.75%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: P. Atk. when using a bow/ crossbow +5%,
Max MP +355,
Weight limit +10 000,
Resistance Stun +30%
Majestic Robe – Set 4

MEN +1, INT -1

Max MP +240, Casting Spd. +15%, MP Recovery Rate +8%, Shock Resistance +50%.

Majestic Circlet Majestic Circlet Robe A Max MP +85
MP Regeneration Bonus +5.00%
Resistance Stun +3.75%.
Majestic Robe Majestic Robe A Cast. Spd. +2.5%
Max MP +150
MP Regeneration Bonus +8.65%
Resistance Stun +17.25%.
Majestic Gauntlets Majestic Gauntlets Robe A Max MP +60
MP Regeneration Bonus +3.00%
Resistance Stun +3.75%.
Majestic Boots Majestic Boots Robe A Max MP +60
MP Regeneration Bonus +3.00%
Resistance Stun +3.75%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: Cast. Spd. +2.5%,
Max MP +355,
MP Regeneration +19.65%,
Resistance Stun +30%

Nightmare sets

Armor of Nightmare – Set 4

CON +2, DEX -2

P. Atk. +4%, P. Def. +6%, Magic Damage Resistance +5, Sleep/ Hold Resistance +70%.

Shield Equip Bonus: Damage Reflection +5%

Helm of Nightmare Helm of Nightmare Heavy Armor A P. Atk. +1.15%
Resistance Sleep +5.25%
Resistance Hold +5.25%.
Armor of Nightmare Armor of Nightmare A P. Atk. +2.35%
Resistance Sleep +17.25%
Resistance Hold +17.25%.
Gauntlets of Nightmare Gauntlets of Nightmare Heavy Armor A P. Atk. +0.75%
Resistance Sleep +3.75%
Resistance Hold +3.75%.
Boots of Nightmare Boots of Nightmare Heavy Armor A P. Atk. +0.75%
Resistance Sleep +3.75%
Resistance Hold +3.75%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: P. Atk. +5%,
Resistance Sleep +30%,
Resistance Hold +30%
Leather Armor of Nightmare – Set 4

DEX +1, CON -1

M. Def. +7%, Avoid Rate for Physical skills +5%, Vampiric Rage effect +3%, Sleep/ Hold Resistance +70%.

Helm of Nightmare Helm of Nightmare Light Armor A M. Def. +1.50%
Vampiric Rage Effect +1.00%
Resistance Sleep +5.25%
Resistance Hold +5.25%.
Leather Armor of Nightmare Leather Armor of Nightmare A M. Def. +2.50%
Vampiric Rage Effect +2.00%
Resistance Sleep +17.25%
Resistance Hold +17.25%.
Gauntlets of Nightmare Gauntlets of Nightmare Light Armor A M. Def. +1.00%
Vampiric Rage Effect +1.00%
Resistance Sleep +3.75%
Resistance Hold +3.75%.
Boots of Nightmare Boots of Nightmare Light Armor A M. Def. +1.00%
Vampiric Rage Effect +1.00%
Resistance Sleep +3.75%
Resistance Hold +3.75%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: M. Def. +6%,
Vampiric Rage Effect +5%,
Resistance Sleep +30%,
Resistance Hold +30%
Robe of Nightmare – Set 4

INT +2, WIT -2

Casting Spd. +10%, M. Atk. +13%, M. Critical Damage +12%, MP Recovery Rate +8%, Sleep/ Hold Resistance +70%.

Helm of Nightmare Helm of Nightmare Robe A M. Atk. +2.50%
MP Regeneration Bonus +5%
Resistance Sleep +5.25%
Resistance Hold +5.25%.
Robe of Nightmare Robe of Nightmare A M. Atk. +5.00%
MP Regeneration Bonus +8.65%
Resistance Sleep +17.25%
Resistance Hold +17.25%.
Gauntlets of Nightmare Gauntlets of Nightmare Robe A M. Atk. +1.5%
MP Regeneration Bonus +3.00%
Resistance Sleep +3.75%
Resistance Hold +3.75%.
Boots of Nightmare Boots of Nightmare Robe A M. Atk. +1.5%
MP Regeneration Bonus +3.00%
Resistance Sleep +3.75%
Resistance Hold +3.75%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: M. Atk. +10.5%,
MP Regeneration +19.65%,
Resistance Sleep +30%,
Resistance Hold +30%

Shields Shields

Shield of Nightmare Shield of Nightmare A Resistance to magic damage +2.
(Chance of taking 1 damage from magic)

Jewelry A-Grade

Phoenix Necklace Phoenix Necklace A Increases Sleep and Paralyze resistances by 6% and resist to all 6 elements by 3.
Phoenix Earring Phoenix Earring A Increases Shock and Mental/Fear/Silence resistances by 5%.
Phoenix Ring Phoenix Ring A Increases Hold/Root resistance by 5% and P.Critical Damage by 3%.
Majestic Necklace Majestic Necklace A Increases Sleep and Paralyze resistances by 8% and resist to all 6 elements by 4.
Majestic Earring Majestic Earring A Increases Shock and Mental/Fear/Silence resistances by 6%.
Majestic Ring Majestic Ring A Increases Hold/Root resistance by 6% and P.Critical Damage by 4%.


Sets 76 level

Imperial Crusader Helmet Imperial Crusader Helmet S Max HP +125
P. Def. +1.25%
Resistance Sleep +5.25%
Resistance Hold +5.25%.
Imperial Crusader Breastplate Imperial Crusader Breastplate S
Imperial Crusader Breastplate Imperial Crusader Breastplate Bard Master S
Imperial Crusader Breastplate Imperial Crusader Breastplate Force Master S
Imperial Crusader Breastplate Imperial Crusader Breastplate Weapon Master S
Imperial Crusader Breastplate Imperial Crusader Breastplate Shield Master S
Max HP +225
P. Def. +2.50%
Resistance Sleep +10.50%
Resistance Hold +10.50%.
Imperial Crusader Gaiters Imperial Crusader Gaiters S Max HP +150
P. Def. +1.65%
Resistance Sleep +6.75%
Resistance Hold +6.75%.
Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Imperial Crusader Gauntlets S Max HP +85
P. Def. +0.90%
Resistance Sleep +3.75%
Resistance Hold +3.75%.
Imperial Crusader Boots Imperial Crusader Boots S Max HP +85
P. Def. +0.90%
Resistance Sleep +3.75%
Resistance Hold +3.75%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: Max HP +670,
P. Def. +7.2%,
Resistance Sleep +30%,
Resistance Hold +30%
Draconic Leather Helmet Draconic Leather Helmet S Atk. Spd. +0.75%
P. Atk. +0.75%
Max MP +135
Weight limit +1750.
Draconic Leather Armor Draconic Leather Armor S
Draconic Leather Armor Draconic Leather Armor Bow Master S
Draconic Leather Armor Draconic Leather Armor Dagger Master S
Draconic Leather Armor Draconic Leather Armor Force Master S
Draconic Leather Armor Draconic Leather Armor Weapon Master S
Draconic Leather Armor Draconic Leather Armor Enchanter Master S
Draconic Leather Armor Draconic Leather Armor Summoner Master S
Atk. Spd. +1.35%
P. Atk. +1.35%
Max MP +225
Weight limit +5750.
Draconic Leather Gloves Draconic Leather Gloves S Atk. Spd. +0.50%
P. Atk. +0.50%
Max MP +85
Weight limit +1250.
Draconic Leather Boots Draconic Leather Boots S Atk. Spd. +0.50%
P. Atk. +0.50%
Max MP +85
Weight limit +1250.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: Atk. Spd. +3.1%,
P. Atk. +3.1%,
Max MP +530,
Weight limit +10 000
Major Arcana Circlet Major Arcana Circlet S M. Atk. +1.50%
Speed +1.00
Weight limit +1750
Magic Cancel Damage -5.25
Resistance Stun +5.25%.
Major Arcana Robe Major Arcana Robe S
Major Arcana Robe Major Arcana Robe Healer Master S
Major Arcana Robe Major Arcana Robe Wizard Master S
Major Arcana Robe Major Arcana Robe Enchanter Master S
Major Arcana Robe Major Arcana Robe Summoner Master S
M. Atk. +4.60%
Speed +2.50
Weight limit +5750
Magic Cancel Damage -17.50
Resistance Stun +17.50%.
Major Arcana Gloves Major Arcana Gloves S M. Atk. +1.20%
Speed +0.75
Weight limit +1250
Magic Cancel Damage -3.75
Resistance Stun +3.75%.
Major Arcana Boots Major Arcana Boots S M. Atk. +1.20%
Speed +0.75
Weight limit +1250
Magic Cancel Damage -3.75
Resistance Stun +3.75%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: M. Atk. +8.5%,
Speed +5,
Weight limit +10 000,
Magic Cancel Damage -20.25,
Resistance Stun +30.25%

Shields Shields

Imperial Crusader Shield Imperial Crusader Shield S Resistance to magic damage +2.
(Chance of taking 1 damage from magic)
Arcana Sigil Arcana Sigil S Masterwork Item that gives a chance to block magic attack with 2% chance.
Decreases magic cancel rate by 13%.

Dynasty sets

Dynasty Helmet Dynasty Helmet S P. Def. +1.5%, Speed by 1.5, Max HP by 123 and Attribute Resistance by 2.
Dynasty Breastplate Dynasty Breastplate S
Dynasty Platinum Plate Dynasty Platinum Plate Shield Master S
Dynasty Platinum Plate Dynasty Platinum Plate Weapon Master S
Dynasty Platinum Plate Dynasty Platinum Plate Force Master S
Dynasty Platinum Plate Dynasty Platinum Plate Bard Master S
P. Def. +3%, Speed by 3, Max HP by 246 and Attribute Resistance by 4.
Dynasty Gaiters Dynasty Gaiters S P. Def. +2.08%, Speed by 2, Max HP by 205 and Attribute Resistance by 3.
Dynasty Gauntlets Dynasty Gauntlets S P. Def. +0.835%, Speed by 1.25, Max HP by 83 and Attribute Resistance by 2.
Dynasty Boots Dynasty Boots S P. Def. +0.835%, Speed by 1.25, Max HP by 83 and Attribute Resistance by 2.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: P. Def. +8.25%,
Max HP +740,
Speed +9,
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +13
Dynasty Leather Helmet Dynasty Leather Helmet S Accuracy +0.5, Evasion by 0.5, Max HP by 123, Atk. Spd. by 0.41% and Attribute Resistance by 2.
Dynasty Leather Armor Dynasty Leather Armor S
Dynasty Jewel Leather Armor Dynasty Jewel Leather Armor Dagger Master S
Dynasty Jewel Leather Armor Dynasty Jewel Leather Armor Bow Master S
Dynasty Jewel Leather Armor Dynasty Jewel Leather Armor Force Master S
Dynasty Jewel Leather Armor Dynasty Jewel Leather Armor Weapon Master S
Dynasty Jewel Leather Armor Dynasty Jewel Leather Armor Enchanter Master S
Dynasty Jewel Leather Armor Dynasty Jewel Leather Armor Summoner Master S
Accuracy +1, Evasion by 1, Max HP by 246, Atk. Spd. by 0.82% and Attribute Resistance by 4.
Dynasty Leather Leggings Dynasty Leather Leggings S Accuracy +0.8, Evasion by 0.8, Max HP by 205, Atk. Spd. by 0.68%, Attribute Resistance by 3.
Dynasty Leather Gloves Dynasty Leather Gloves S Accuracy +0.35, Evasion by 0.35, Max HP by 83, Atk. Spd. by 0.295% and Attribute Resistance by 2.
Dynasty Leather Boots Dynasty Leather Boots S Accuracy +0.35, Evasion by 0.35, Max HP by 83, Atk. Spd. by 0.295% and Attribute Resistance by 2.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: Accuracy +3,
Evasion +3,
Max HP +740,
Atk. Spd. +2,8%,
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +13
Dynasty Circlet Dynasty Circlet S Increases M. Atk. by 1.25%, Max MP by 80 and Attribute Resistance by 2.
Dynasty Tunic Dynasty Tunic S
Dynasty Silver Satin Tunic Dynasty Silver Satin Tunic Healer Master S
Dynasty Silver Satin Tunic Dynasty Silver Satin Tunic Enchanter Master S
Dynasty Silver Satin Tunic Dynasty Silver Satin Tunic Summoner Master S
Dynasty Silver Satin Tunic Dynasty Silver Satin Tunic Wizard Master S
Increases M. Atk. by 2.5%, Max MP by 160 and Attribute Resistance by 4.
Dynasty Stockings Dynasty Stockings S Increases M. Atk. by 2%, Max MP by 140, Attribute Resistance by 3.
Dynasty Gloves Dynasty Gloves S Increases M. Atk. by 0.875%, Max MP by 60 and Attribute Resistance by 2.
Dynasty Shoes Dynasty Shoes S Increases M. Atk. by 0.875%, Max MP by 60 and Attribute Resistance by 2.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: Max MP +500,
M. Atk. +7.5%,
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +13

Shields Shields

Dynasty Shield Dynasty Shield S Gives a chance to block magic attack with 2% chance.
(Chance of taking 1 damage from magic)
Dynasty Sigil Dynasty Sigil S Masterwork Item that gives a chance to block magic attack with 2% chance and Resistance to Darkness by 2.

Jewelry S-Grade

Tateossian Necklace Tateossian Necklace S Increases Sleep and Paralyze resistances by 10% and resist to all 6 elements by 5.
Tateossian Earring Tateossian Earring S Increases Shock and Mental/Fear/Silence resistances by 7%.
Tateossian Ring Tateossian Ring S Increases Hold/Root resistance by 7% and P.Critical Damage by 5%.
Dynasty Necklace Dynasty Necklace S Increases Max MP +76. Increases Sleep and Paralyze resistances by 11%, resistance to all elements by 6.
Dynasty Earrings Dynasty Earrings S Increases Max MP +35. Increases Resistance to sleep attacks by 5%. Increases Shock and Mental/Fear/Silence resistances by 8%.
Dynasty Ring Dynasty Ring S Increases Max MP +23. Increases Resistance to Darkness by 2. Increases Hold/Root resistance by 8% and P.Critical Damage by 6%.


Moirai Sets

Moirai Helmet Moirai Helmet S80 P. Atk. +0.9% Atk. Spd. +0.75% Stun Resistance +5% Sleep Resistance +3% Resistance to all elements +3, PvP Defence +1%.
Moirai Breastplate Moirai Breastplate S80
Moirai Breastplate Moirai Breastplate Attack S80
Moirai Breastplate Moirai Breastplate Defence S80
P. Atk. +1.75% Atk. Spd. +1.5% Stun Resistance +8.5% Sleep Resistance +6% Resistance to all elements +3, PvP Defence +1%.
Moirai Gaiter Moirai Gaiter S80 P. Atk. +1.15% Atk. Spd. +1% Stun Resistance +6.5% Sleep Resistance +5% Resistance to all elements +3, PvP Defence +1%.
Moirai Gauntlets Moirai Gauntlets S80 P. Atk. +0.6% Atk. Spd. +0.5% Stun Resistance +5% Sleep Resistance +3% Resistance to all elements +3, PvP Defence +1%.
Moirai Boots Moirai Boots S80 P. Atk. +0.6% Atk. Spd. +0.5% Stun Resistance +5% Sleep Resistance +3% Resistance to all elements +3, PvP Defence +1%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: P. Atk. +5%,
Atk. Spd. +4.25%,
Resistance Stun +30%,
Resistance Sleep +20%,
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +15,
PvP Defense +5%
Moirai Leather Helmet Moirai Leather Helmet S80 P. Atk. +0.9% Atk. Spd. +0.75% MP Regeneration Bonus +3% Hold Resistance +5% Mental attacks Resistance +3% Resistance to all elements +3, PvP Defence +1%.
Moirai Leather Breastplate Moirai Leather Breastplate S80
Moirai Leather Breastplate Moirai Leather Breastplate Attack S80
Moirai Leather Breastplate Moirai Leather Breastplate Defence S80
P. Atk. +1.75% Atk. Spd. +1.5% MP Regeneration Bonus +5% Hold Resistance +8.5% Mental attacks Resistance +6% Resistance to all elements +3, PvP Defence +1%.
Moirai Leather Legging Moirai Leather Legging S80 P. Atk. +1.15% Atk. Spd. +1% MP Regeneration Bonus +4% Hold Resistance +6.5% Mental attacks Resistance +5% Resistance to all elements +3, PvP Defence +1%.
Moirai Leather Gloves Moirai Leather Gloves S80 P. Atk. +0.6% Atk. Spd. +0.5% MP Regeneration Bonus +2% Hold Resistance +5% Mental attacks Resistance +3% Resistance to all elements +3, PvP Defence +1%.
Moirai Leather Boots Moirai Leather Boots S80 P. Atk. +0.6% Atk. Spd. +0.5% MP Regeneration Bonus +2% Hold Resistance +5% Mental attacks Resistance +3% Resistance to all elements +3, PvP Defence +1%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: P. Atk. +4%,
Atk. Spd. +4.25%,
MP Regeneration +16%,
Resistance Hold +30%,
Resistance Mental attacks +20%,
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +15,
PvP Defense +5%
Moirai Circlet Moirai Circlet S80 M. Atk. +1.5% Paralyze Resistance +5% Medusa Resistance +3% Resistance to all elements +3, PvP Defence +1%.
Moirai Tunic Moirai Tunic S80
Moirai Tunic Moirai Tunic Attack S80
Moirai Tunic Moirai Tunic Defence S80
M. Atk. +2.5% Cast. Spd. +2.5% Paralyze Resistance +8.5% Medusa Resistance +6% Resistance to all elements +3, PvP Defence +1%.
Moirai Stockings Moirai Stockings S80 M. Atk. +2% Paralyze Resistance +6.5% Medusa Resistance +5% Resistance to all elements +3, PvP Defence +1%.
Moirai Gloves Moirai Gloves S80 M. Atk. +1% Paralyze Resistance +5% Medusa Resistance +3% Resistance to all elements +3, PvP Defence +1%.
Moirai Shoes Moirai Shoes S80 M. Atk. +1% Paralyze Resistance +5% Medusa Resistance +3% Resistance to all elements +3, PvP Defence +1%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: M. Atk. +8%,
Resistance Paralyze +30%,
Resistance Medusa +20%,
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +15,
PvP Defense +5%

Shields Shields

Moirai Shield Moirai Shield S80 Resistance to magic damage +3.
(Chance of taking 1 damage from magic)
Moirai Sigil Moirai Sigil S80 Resistance to magic damage +3.

Moirai Jewelry

Moirai Necklace Moirai Necklace S80 Resistance Poison +8%
Resistance Paralyze +12%
Resistance Sleep +12%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +7.
Moirai Earring Moirai Earring S80 Resistance Bleed +8%
Resistance Stun +9%
Resistance Mental attacks +9%.
Moirai Ring Moirai Ring S80 Max MP +16
Resistance Hold +9%
P. Crit. Damage +7%.


Vesper Sets

Vesper Helmet Vesper Helmet S84
Vesper Noble Helmet Vesper Noble Helmet S84
P. Atk. +0.85%
P. Def. +0.7%
M. Def. +0.7%
Max HP +175
Resistance Mental attacks +5.25%
Resistance Sleep +7%
Resistance Hold +7%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +4
PvP Defence +1%.
Vesper Breastplate Vesper Breastplate S84
Vesper Noble Breastplate Vesper Noble Breastplate S84
Vesper Noble Breastplate Vesper Noble Breastplate Attack S84
Vesper Noble Breastplate Vesper Noble Breastplate Defence S84
P. Atk. +1.7%
P. Def. +1.4%
M. Def. +1.4%
Max HP +350
Resistance Mental attacks +10.5%
Resistance Sleep +14%
Resistance Hold +14%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +4
PvP Defence +1%.
Vesper Gaiter Vesper Gaiter S84
Vesper Noble Gaiter Vesper Noble Gaiter S84
P. Atk. +1.1%
P. Def. +0.9%
M. Def. +0.9%
Max HP +225
Resistance Mental attacks +6.75%
Resistance Sleep +9%
Resistance Hold +9%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +4
PvP Defence +1%.
Vesper Gauntlets Vesper Gauntlets S84
Vesper Noble Gauntlets Vesper Noble Gauntlets S84
P. Atk. +0.6%
P. Def. +0.5%
M. Def. +0.5%
Max HP +125
Resistance Mental attacks +3.75%
Resistance Sleep +5%
Resistance Hold +5%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +4
PvP Defence +1%.
Vesper Boots Vesper Boots S84
Vesper Noble Boots Vesper Noble Boots S84
P. Atk. +0.6%
P. Def. +0.5%
M. Def. +0.5%
Max HP +125
Resistance Mental attacks +3.75%
Resistance Sleep +5%
Resistance Hold +5%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +4
PvP Defence +1%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: P. Atk. +4.85%,
P. Def. +4%,
M. Def. +4%,
Max HP +1000
Resistance Mental attacks +30%,
Resistance Sleep +40%,
Resistance Hold +40%,
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +20,
PvP Defense +5%
Vesper Leather Helmet Vesper Leather Helmet S84
Vesper Noble Leather Helmet Vesper Noble Leather Helmet S84
P. Atk. +0.85%
P. Crit. Damage +0.7%
Atk. Spd. +0.7%
MP Regeneration Bonus +2.8%
Max MP +105
Resistance Paralyze +5.25%
Resistance Medusa +3.5%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +4
PvP Defence +1%.
Vesper Leather Breastplate Vesper Leather Breastplate S84
Vesper Noble Houberk Vesper Noble Houberk S84
Vesper Noble Houberk Vesper Noble Houberk Attack S84
Vesper Noble Houberk Vesper Noble Houberk Defence S84
P. Atk. +1.7%
P. Crit. Damage +1.4%
Atk. Spd. +1.4%
MP Regeneration Bonus +5.6%
Max MP +210
Resistance Paralyze +10.5%
Resistance Medusa +7%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +4
PvP Defence +1%.
Vesper Leather Legging Vesper Leather Legging S84
Vesper Noble Leather Legging Vesper Noble Leather Legging S84
P. Atk. +1.1%
P. Crit. Damage +0.9%
Atk. Spd. +0.9%
MP Regeneration Bonus +3.6%
Max MP +135
Resistance Paralyze +6.75%
Resistance Medusa +4.5%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +4
PvP Defence +1%.
Vesper Leather Gloves Vesper Leather Gloves S84
Vesper Noble Leather Gloves Vesper Noble Leather Gloves S84
P. Atk. +0.6%
P. Crit. Damage +0.5%
Atk. Spd. +0.5%
MP Regeneration Bonus +2%
Max MP +75
Resistance Paralyze +3.75%
Resistance Medusa +2.5%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +4
PvP Defence +1%.
Vesper Leather Boots Vesper Leather Boots S84
Vesper Noble Leather Boots Vesper Noble Leather Boots S84
P. Atk. +0.6%
P. Crit. Damage +0.5%
Atk. Spd. +0.5%
MP Regeneration Bonus +2%
Resistance Paralyze +3.75%
Resistance Medusa +2.5%
Max MP +75
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +4
PvP Defence +1%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: P. Atk. +4.85%,
P. Crit. Damage +4%,
Atk. Spd. +4%,
MP Regeneration +16%,
Max MP +600,
Resistance Paralyze +30%,
Resistance Medusa +20%,
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +20,
PvP Defense +5%
Vesper Circlet Vesper Circlet S84
Vesper Noble Circlet Vesper Noble Circlet S84
M. Atk. +1.4%
MP Regeneration Bonus +2.8%
Resistance Stun +5.25%
Magic Cancel Damage -3.5
Resistance Disarm +3.5%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +4
PvP Defence +1%.
Vesper Tunic Vesper Tunic S84
Vesper Noble Tunic Vesper Noble Tunic S84
Vesper Noble Tunic Vesper Noble Tunic Attack S84
Vesper Noble Tunic Vesper Noble Tunic Defence S84
M. Atk. +2.8%
Cast. Spd. +2.5%
MP Regeneration Bonus +5.6%
Resistance Stun +10.5%
Magic Cancel Damage -7
Resistance Disarm +7%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +4
PvP Defence +1%.
Vesper Stockings Vesper Stockings S84
Vesper Noble Stockings Vesper Noble Stockings S84
M. Atk. +1.8%
MP Regeneration Bonus +3.6%
Resistance Stun +6.75%
Magic Cancel Damage -4.5
Resistance Disarm +4.5%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +4
PvP Defence +1%.
Vesper Gloves Vesper Gloves S84
Vesper Noble Gloves Vesper Noble Gloves S84
M. Atk. +1%
MP Regeneration Bonus +2%
Resistance Stun +3.75%
Magic Cancel Damage -2.5
Resistance Disarm +2.5%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +4
PvP Defence +1%.
Vesper Shoes Vesper Shoes S84
Vesper Noble Shoes Vesper Noble Shoes S84
M. Atk. +1%
MP Regeneration Bonus +2%
Resistance Stun +3.75%
Magic Cancel Damage -2.5
Resistance Disarm +2.5%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +4
PvP Defence +1%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: M. Atk. +8%,
Cast. Spd. +2.5%,
MP Regeneration +16%,
Resistance Stun +30%,
Magic Cancel Damage -20,
Resistance Disarm +20%,
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +10,
PvP Defense +5%

Shields Shields

Vesper Shield Vesper Shield S84 Resistance to magic damage +3.
(Chance of taking 1 damage from magic)
Vesper Sigil Vesper Sigil S84 Resistance to magic damage +3.

Vesper Jewelry

Vesper Necklace Vesper Necklace S84 Max MP +33
Resistance Paralyze +13%
Resistance Sleep +13%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +8.
Vesper Earring Vesper Earring S84 Resistance Sleep +5%
Resistance Hold +5%
Resistance Stun +10%
Resistance Mental attacks +10%.
Vesper Ring Vesper Ring S84 Resistance Stun +5%
Resistance Hold +10%
P. Crit. Damage +8%.

Vorpal Sets

Vorpal Helmet Vorpal Helmet S84 P. Atk. +0.85%
P. Def. +1.05%
M. Def. +1.05%
Max HP +175
Resistance Paralyze +5.25%
Resistance Medusa +5.25%
Resistance Sleep +7%
Resistance Hold +7%
Resistance Bleed +7%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5
PvP Defence +1%.
Vorpal Breastplate Vorpal Breastplate S84
Vorpal Breastplate Vorpal Breastplate Attack S84
Vorpal Breastplate Vorpal Breastplate Defense S84
P. Atk. +1.7%
P. Def. +2.10%
M. Def. +2.10%
Max HP +350
Resistance Paralyze +10.5%
Resistance Medusa +10.5%
Resistance Sleep +14%
Resistance Hold +14%
Resistance Bleed +14%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5
PvP Defence +1%.
Vorpal Gaiter Vorpal Gaiter S84 P. Atk. +1.1%
P. Def. +1.35%
M. Def. +1.35%
Max HP +225
Resistance Paralyze +6.75%
Resistance Medusa +6.75%
Resistance Sleep +9%
Resistance Hold +9%
Resistance Bleed +9%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5
PvP Defence +1%.
Vorpal Gauntlets Vorpal Gauntlets S84 P. Atk. +0.6%
P. Def. +0.75%
M. Def. +0.75%
Max HP +125
Resistance Paralyze +3.75%
Resistance Medusa +3.75%
Resistance Sleep +5%
Resistance Hold +5%
Resistance Bleed +5%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5
PvP Defence +1%.
Vorpal Boots Vorpal Boots S84 P. Atk. +0.6%
P. Def. +0.75%
M. Def. +0.75%
Max HP +125
Resistance Paralyze +3.75%
Resistance Medusa +3.75%
Resistance Sleep +5%
Resistance Hold +5%
Resistance Bleed +5%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5
PvP Defence +1%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: P. Atk. +4.85%,
P. Def. +6%,
M. Def. +6%,
Max HP +1000,
Resistance Paralyze +30%,
Resistance Medusa +30%,
Resistance Sleep +40%,
Resistance Hold +40%,
Resistance Bleed +40%,
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +25,
PvP Defense +5%
Vorpal Leather Helmet Vorpal Leather Helmet S84 P. Atk. +0.85%
P. Def. +0.85%
P. Crit. Damage +0.91%
Atk. Spd. +0.7%
Speed +1.4
Max MP +105
Resistance Stun +5.25%
Magic Cancel Damage -5.25
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5
PvP Defence +1%.
Vorpal Leather Breastplate Vorpal Leather Breastplate S84
Vorpal Leather Breastplate Vorpal Leather Breastplate Attack S84
Vorpal Leather Breastplate Vorpal Leather Breastplate Defense S84
P. Atk. +1.7%
P. Def. +1.7%
P. Crit. Damage +1.82%
Atk. Spd. +1.4%
Speed +2.8
Max MP +210
Resistance Stun +10.5%
Magic Cancel Damage -10.5
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5
PvP Defence +1%.
Vorpal Leather Legging Vorpal Leather Legging S84 P. Atk. +1.1%
P. Def. +1.1%
P. Crit. Damage +1.17%
Atk. Spd. +0.9%
Speed +1.8
Max MP +135
Resistance Stun +6.75%
Magic Cancel Damage -6.75
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5
PvP Defence +1%.
Vorpal Leather Gloves Vorpal Leather Gloves S84 P. Atk. +0.6%
P. Def. +0.6%
P. Crit. Damage +0.65%
Atk. Spd. +0.5%
Speed +1
Max MP +75
Resistance Stun +3.75%
Magic Cancel Damage -3.75
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5
PvP Defence +1%.
Vorpal Leather Boots Vorpal Leather Boots S84 P. Atk. +0.6%
P. Def. +0.6%
P. Crit. Damage +0.65%
Atk. Spd. +0.5%
Speed +1
Max MP +75
Resistance Stun +3.75%
Magic Cancel Damage -3.75
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5
PvP Defence +1%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: P. Atk. +4.85%,
P. Def. +4.85%,
P. Crit. Damage +5.2%,
Atk. Spd. +4%,
Speed +8,
Max MP +600,
Resistance Stun +30%,
Magic Cancel Damage -30,
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +25,
PvP Defense +5%
Vorpal Circlet Vorpal Circlet S84 M. Atk. +1.4%
Max MP +75
MP Regeneration Bonus +2.8%
Resistance Stun +5.25%
Resistance Mental attacks +3.50%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5
PvP Defence +1%.
Vorpal Tunic Vorpal Tunic S84
Vorpal Tunic Vorpal Tunic Attack S84
Vorpal Tunic Vorpal Tunic Defense S84
M. Atk. +2.8%
Cast. Spd. +2.5%
Max MP +150
MP Regeneration Bonus +5.6%
Resistance Stun +10.5%
Resistance Mental attacks +7.00%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5
PvP Defence +1%.
Vorpal Stockings Vorpal Stockings S84 M. Atk. +1.8%
Max MP +95
MP Regeneration Bonus +3.6%
Resistance Stun +6.75%
Resistance Mental attacks +4.50%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5
PvP Defence +1%.
Vorpal Gloves Vorpal Gloves S84 M. Atk. +1%
Max MP +50
MP Regeneration Bonus +2%
Resistance Stun +3.75%
Resistance Mental attacks +2.50%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5
PvP Defence +1%.
Vorpal Shoes Vorpal Shoes S84 M. Atk. +1%
Max MP +50
MP Regeneration Bonus +2%
Resistance Stun +3.75%
Resistance Mental attacks +2.50%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5
PvP Defence +1%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: M. Atk. +8%,
Cast. Spd. +2.5%,
Max MP +420,
MP Regeneration +16%,
Resistance Stun +30%,
Resistance Mental attacks +20%,
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +25,
PvP Defense +5%

Shields Shields

Vorpal Shield Vorpal Shield S84 Resistance to magic damage +4.
(Chance of taking 1 damage from magic)
Vorpal Sigil Vorpal Sigil S84 Resistance to magic damage +4.

Vorpal Jewelry

Vorpal Necklace Vorpal Necklace S84 Max MP +40
Resistance Paralyze +15%
Resistance Sleep +15%
Resistance to Holy +10
Resistance to Dark +10
Resistance to Water +10
Resistance to Fire +10
Resistance to Wind +10
Resistance to Earth +10.
Vorpal Earring Vorpal Earring S84 Resistance Stun +15%
Resistance Mental attacks +15%.
Vorpal Ring Vorpal Ring S84 Resistance Hold +15%
P. Crit. Damage +10%.

Elegia Sets

Elegia Breastplate – Set 7

STR +3, CON -2

Max HP +550, P. Atk. +6.59%, P. Critical Rate +127, Magic Damage Resistance +2, Vampiric Rage effect +3%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth Resistance +5, Bleed/ Hold/ Sleep Resistance +50%.

Elegia Helmet Elegia Helmet S84 P. Atk. +1.15%
P. Crit. Rate +7
Max HP +210
Resistance Sleep +7.00%
Resistance Hold +7.00%
Resistance Bleed +7.00%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6
PvP Defence +1.00%.
Elegia Breastplate Elegia Breastplate S84 P. Atk. +2.20%
P. Crit. Rate +14
Max HP +420
Resistance Sleep +14.00%
Resistance Hold +14.00%
Resistance Bleed +14.00%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6
PvP Defence +1.00%.
Elegia Gaiter Elegia Gaiter S84 P. Atk. +1.45%
P. Crit. Rate +9
Max HP +270
Resistance Sleep +9.00%
Resistance Hold +9.00%
Resistance Bleed +9.00%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6
PvP Defence +1.00%.
Elegia Gauntlets Elegia Gauntlets S84 P. Atk. +0.80%
P. Crit. Rate +5
Max HP +150
Resistance Sleep +5.00%
Resistance Hold +5.00%
Resistance Bleed +5.00%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6
PvP Defence +1.00%.
Elegia Boots Elegia Boots S84 P. Atk. +0.80%
P. Crit. Rate +5
Max HP +150
Resistance Sleep +5.00%
Resistance Hold +5.00%
Resistance Bleed +5.00%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6
PvP Defence +1.00%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: P. Atk. +6.4%,
P. Crit. Rate +40,
Max HP +1200,
Resistance Sleep +40%,
Resistance Hold +40%,
Resistance Bleed +40%,
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +30,
PvP Defence +5%
Elegia Leather Breastplate – Set 7

STR +1, DEX +2, CON -2

Atk. Spd. +6%, P. Atk. +6.59%, P. Critical Rate +170, Speed +3%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth Resistance +5, Paralyze Resistance +50%.

Elegia Leather Helmet Elegia Leather Helmet S84 P. Atk. +1.05%
Atk. Spd. +0.98%
P. Crit. Rate +7
Resistance Paralyze +5.25%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6
PvP Defence +1.00%.
Elegia Leather Breastplate Elegia Leather Breastplate S84 P. Atk. +2.10%
Atk. Spd. +1.96%
P. Crit. Rate +14
Resistance Paralyze +10.50%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6
PvP Defence +1.00%.
Elegia Leather Legging Elegia Leather Legging S84 P. Atk. +1.35%
Atk. Spd. +1.26%
P. Crit. Rate +9
Resistance Paralyze +6.75%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6
PvP Defence +1.00%.
Elegia Leather Gloves Elegia Leather Gloves S84 P. Atk. +0.75%
Atk. Spd. +0.70%
P. Crit. Rate +5
Resistance Paralyze +3.75%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6
PvP Defence +1.00%.
Elegia Leather Boots Elegia Leather Boots S84 P. Atk. +0.75%
Atk. Spd. +0.70%
P. Crit. Rate +5
Resistance Paralyze +3.75%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6
PvP Defence +1.00%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: P. Atk. +6%,
Atk. Spd. +5.6%,
P. Crit. Rate +40
Resistance Paralyze +30%,
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +30
PvP Defense +5%
Elegia Tunic – Set 7

INT +1, WIT +2, MEN -2

Max MP +97, Casting Spd. +15%, M. Atk. +10%, Speed +7, MP Recovery Rate +5%, Consumption MP for Magic skills -3%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth Resistance +5, Shock Resistance +50%.

Elegia Circlet Elegia Circlet S84 M. Atk. +1.75%
MP Regeneration Bonus +3.50%
Resistance Stun +5.25%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6
PvP Defence +1.00%.
Elegia Tunic Elegia Tunic S84 M. Atk. +3.50%
Cast. Spd. +2.50%
MP Regeneration Bonus +7.00%
Resistance Stun +10.50%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6
PvP Defence +1.00%.
Elegia Stockings Elegia Stockings S84 M. Atk. +2.25%
MP Regeneration Bonus +4.50%
Resistance Stun +6.75%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6
PvP Defence +1.00%.
Elegia Gloves Elegia Gloves S84 M. Atk. +1.25%
MP Regeneration Bonus +2.50%
Resistance Stun +3.75%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6
PvP Defence +1.00%.
Elegia Shoes Elegia Shoes S84 M. Atk. +1.25%
MP Regeneration Bonus +2.50%
Resistance Stun +3.75%
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6
PvP Defence +1.00%.
Total bonus of all masterwork parts: M. Atk. +10%,
Cast. Spd. +2.5 %,
MP Regeneration +20%,
Resistance Stun +30%,
Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +30,
PvP Defense +5.00%

Shields Shields

Elegia Shield Elegia Shield S84 Resistance to magic damage +5.
(Chance of taking 1 damage from magic)
Elegia Sigil Elegia Sigil S84 Resistance to magic damage +5.

Elegia Jewelry

Elegia Necklace Elegia Necklace S84 Max MP +50
Resistance Paralyze +20%
Resistance Sleep +20%
Resistance to Holy +15
Resistance to Dark +15
Resistance to Water +15
Resistance to Fire +15
Resistance to Wind +15
Resistance to Earth +15.
Elegia Earring Elegia Earring S84 Resistance Stun +20%
Resistance Mental attacks +20%.
Elegia Ring Elegia Ring S84 Resistance Hold +20%
P. Crit. Damage +12%.


Name Type Bonus
Great Gale Blunt, Two-handed Sword, Two-handed Blunt, Dagger, Fist, Bow, Dual Dagger, Ancient Sword, Crossbow Atk. Spd. +5%
Earth Sword, Rapier B-Grade – Max. HP +319
A-Grade and above – Max. HP +492
Blunt B-Grade – Max HP +319
A-Grade – Max HP +345
S-Grade – Max HP +492
S80-Grade – Max HP +511
Two-handed sword, Ancient Sword Max HP +398
Bow, Crossbow Max HP +444
Fist Max HP +372
Polearm B-Grade – Max HP +319
S-Grade – Max HP +492
Dual Swords, Dual Blunts B-Grade – Max HP +319
S-Grade – Max HP +492
Holy Spirit Sword Heal effects +65
Two-handed Blunt B-Grade – Heal effects +33
S-Grade – Heal effects +43
Landslide Sword, Blunt, Fist, Polearm, Dual Swords, Dual Blunts, Rapier With 5% chance Stuns target
Cleverness Sword, Blunt MP Regeneration +15%
Hail Sword, Blunt, Two-handed blunt M. Atk. +7%

Important! Bonus without procent
Blunt Accuracy +7
Two-handed Sword, Ancient Sword Accuracy +5
Dagger Accuracy +6
Bow, Crossbow B-Grade — Accuracy +4
A-Grade (low) — Accuracy +5
A-Grade (best) — Accuracy +7
S80-Grade — Accuracy +6
Destruction Sword, Two-handed Blunt, Fist, Polearm, Dual Swords, Dual Blunts, Rapier P. Atk. +5%
Confusion Dagger, Dual Daggers B-Grade – Evasion +4
A-Grade – Evasion +5
S80-Grade – Evasion +6
Lightning Sword, Two-handed Sword, Polearm P. Crit. Rate +54
Two-handed Blunt P. Crit. Rate +52
Dual Swords, Dual Blunts P. Crit. Rate +54
Thunder Sword P. Crit. Damage +220
Two-handed Sword P. Crit. Damage +340
Two-handed Blunt P. Crit. Damage +415
Fist P. Crit. Damage +528
Polearm B-Grade – P. Crit. Damage +156
S80-Grade – P. Crit. Damage +377
Dual Swords, Dual Blunts P. Crit. Damage +268
Rapier P. Crit. Damage +169
Ancient Sword P. Crit. Damage +303
Evil Spirit Two-handed Sword, Ancient Sword Vampiric Rage Effect +3%
Wisdom Blunt, Two-handed blunt MP Consumption when using a P. Skill -5%
MP Consumption when using a M. Skill -5%
MP Consumption when using a Rhythm -5%
Nature Sword B-Grade – Max MP +187
S-Grade – Max MP +289
S80-Grade – Max MP +334
Blunt Max MP +289
Two-handed blunt A-Grade – Max MP +239
S-Grade – Max MP +289
On Fire Blunt, Dagger, Polearm Power of received HP recovery magic +10%
Clairvoyance Bow, Crossbow Attack Distance when using a bow/ crossbow +100
Molar Dagger With 5% chance Poison target


Masterwork Mechanics New S-Grade Sets Bonuses , Enchantment bonuses for sets D/C/B/A/S Grade , Pona: Jewelry Upgrade , Masterwork Item Bonuses , Ingame calendar , Academy on Masterwork , Clan on Masterwork , Squads Passive Skills , Clan Active Skills , Quest Possessor of a Precious Soul, part 4 (noblesse) , Autoloot Agathions Masterwork , Compound of belts , Subclasses on Masterwork , Masterwork Olympiad , Library: Books of Exp , Dual daggers and blunts , Territory Wars on Masterwork , Judicator - main class. Quest Seeds of Chaos , Training Olympiad , Hellbound: Epidos , Instance-boss Core , Instance-boss Orfen , Pets: new skins , Instance-boss Queen Ant , Life Stones on Masterwork , Cyclic Macros and Assist Manager , Instance-boss Trasken , Missions on the Masterwork , Starter quest Eternal , Crafting cost changes (season 2024) , Updated SA effects , Command .lock — protecting your character , Mid Company on Masterwork , Summoner's Transformations , Fortresses on Masterwork , Game event: Hot spot , Dent. MidCompany Epic Boss
Items New S-Grade Sets Bonuses , Enchantment bonuses for sets D/C/B/A/S Grade , Blacksmith of Mammon: Weapon Upgrade/Exchange , Masterwork Item Bonuses , MasterWork Crystals: Equipment Upgrade , Hellbound: Caravan Certificates , Eternal Weapons: Soul Crystals and Enchant Options , Vitality System , Autoloot Agathions Masterwork , Slots expansion and weight limit , Compound of belts , Pets: Wolf and Fenrir , Library: Books of Exp , Pets: Kookaburra, Cougar, Buffalo , Dual daggers and blunts , Soul Crystal (SA) Enhancement , Pets: new skins , Life Stones on Masterwork , Updated SA effects , C/B/A-Grade Sets Upgrades , PvP enhance , Unique Boss Weapons , Talismans on Masterwork , Vorpal Armor. Assembly and improvement , "Protectors of Eternity", Eternal armor , Tattoo Guide